Digital technology can enhance and transform your patient experience in many ways. As a leading Annapolis area dentist, Dr. Vernon Sheen incorporates digital technology into many aspects of your visit and care in our office. Our goal is to provide the highest standard of dental care and support your oral health and wellness. Dr. Sheen uses Overjet.AI technology in his Annapolis, MD, dental office as a tool to improve your diagnostics and care. Learn more about the benefits of AI technology for dentistry at your next office visit with us.
Overjet.AI: How Does It Work?
Developed for the dental care industry, Overjet.AI is an FDA-cleared technology used to enhance the findings of digital x-rays and other diagnostic tools. It enables Dr. Sheen to identify abnormalities, changes in tissues, and areas of decay or infection in the early stages. The software also creates an overlay showing our patients exactly where problems arise, making it easier for our team to explain recommended treatment. The ability to offer preventive or conservative treatment for common dental problems can save you time and money on your oral health care. It also supports better dental health for patients.
Overjet provides more granularity and details so that our digital imaging can be better used when evaluating the health of your teeth and gums. We can maintain a more precise and useful digital record of your oral health over time, a key element in early detection and prevention of decay and disease.
When you visit, we can help you visualize various aspects of your oral health and better understand how existing problems are impacting your smile. We believe the best patient is a well-informed patient, and Overjet.AI provides a platform for improving patient education.